English conversation club
Suhtle vabalt!
Vestlusklubi on
  • Rääkimispraktika
    Regulaarne suhtlemine inglise keeles tõstab teie keele taset.
  • Keelebarjääri ületamine
    Klubi moderaatorid kaasavad teid põnevatesse vestlustesse ning aitavad teil unustada piinlikus ja tunda end mugavalt juba esimesest tunnist alates.
  • Mitmekesisus
    Teisi osalejaid kuulates harjute erinevate hääldustega ja õpite vahet tegema aktsentidel ja kõne iseärasustel.
  • Põnev seiklus
    Ainult huvitavad teemad, mis on valitud vastavalt teie eelistustele.
  • Emakeele kõnelejad kes on kogenud õpetajad
    Vestluse ajal pole ebamugavaid pause, sest kõigil meie klubi moderatoritel on töökogemusi erineva vanuse ja inglise keele taseme inimestega.
  • Mõtle inglise keeles
    Eestikeelse kõne puudumine vestlusklubi ajal aitab võimalikult palju süveneda ingliskeelsesse keskkonda ja õppida vestluskaaslase keeles mõtlema.
Kuidas see töötab?
Täitke vorm ja tasuge osalustasu. Meie kursuste tudengitele on vestlusklubis osalemine tasuta.
Mõni päev enne vestlusklubi algust saate õpetaja poolt koostatud materjalid.
1. etapp - tutvumine
2. etapp - arutelu
3. etapp - kokkuvõte
Pärast koosolekut saate õppetunni videosalvestuse koopi, mis aitab teil oma kõnet analüüsida.
Palju see maksab?
Meie kursuste tudengitele on vestlusklubis osalemine tasuta
nelja korra pilet
Iga kümnes osalus TASUTA!
Lähimad vestlusklubi kohtumised
vestlusklubi juhid
Kõik vestlusklubi juhid on ulatusliku keeleõpetamise kogemusega ja inglise emakeelega!
  • Daniel Bazelais
    Daniel was born in New York and later lived in Miami, Florida. He studied at the University of Florida and worked at Microsoft, where he gained valuable experience in the tech industry. In addition, he has worked as an English teacher for foreign students, both adults and children. Now living in Estonia with his wife and three children, Daniel enjoys sharing his passion for baking and cooking. His goal is to help others grow and develop through engaging conversations, drawing from his diverse background and life experiences.

    30.01.2025 18.00

    Join our english speaking club for an Interactive

    Baking Workshop! 🍎🥧

    Bake Your Heart Out with our special guest, a passionate teacher and baking enthusiast of African-American descent from Miami - Daniel Bazelais. He will guide through a delightful journey of baking traditional american apple pie and practise your English conversational skills in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

    No prior baking experience needed. Just bring your enthusiasm!

    Participation fee: 19€

  • Gleb Netchvolodov

    PhD, a communications and semiotics expert with extensive teaching experience in the UK, the US, Japan, and Estonia. Gleb has worked for top companies like Coca-Cola and led educational projects at prestigious institutions

    2.02.2025 -12.00

    How to Become an Englishman – and Should You? Life in England: Realities, Myths, Stereotypes, and Tips

    Join us for the first session of Conversation Club with Gleb! We’ll dive into an engaging discussion about life in the UK, explore common myths and stereotypes, and examine the realities of living in England.
    • Open to anyone with a comfortable level of English (approximately B1 and above).
    • Perfect for those interested in British culture, improving their speaking skills, and sharing thoughts on life in England.
    • A group discussion focused on the culture and lifestyle of England.
    • Sharing personal experiences, discussing the myths vs. reality of life in the UK, and providing useful tips for those considering living there.
    • Interactive conversations with like-minded people.
    • Opportunities to improve your English speaking skills through a real-world discussion.
    • Insightful tips and stories about life in England.

    Participation fee: 15€

  • Jason Dunning
    Jason is from the small city of Northampton, Massachusetts and has been living in Tallinn for over 20 years. From teaching English at Rocca al Maare and VHS to private classes, the cruise industry, bars and night clubs, restaurants to hotel management, he has been interacting with people from all over the world through English. The goal is helping others with expanding their abilities through fun conversations about almost any topic out there.
  • Dan Franch
    Originally from the US, Dan Franch has been helping non-native English users improve their speaking and writing skils for 20+ years. Currently, he works as a language coach and copywriter/editor. Having lived in and/or traveled in 50+ countries, he brings plenty of life experiences to his work. The following degrees and certifications add to those experiences:
    ● Master's Degree, Educational and Counseling Psychology
    ● Bachelor's Degree, English
    ● Coaching Certification (ICF)
    ● English / ESL Teaching Certification
  • Jon-Paul Barr
    Jon-Paul Barr was born in England to British and Irish parents. In addition to living in the United Kingdom, he has resided in both Cyprus and Estonia. His post-secondary degree is in Graphic Design from the Larnaca Dianellios Technical College. He also holds a TOFEL credential. He has taught English to adult students at Keeltekeskus Kaja OÜ and to preteens and young teens at MyEdu Education Club, as well as being a private tutor for English in Tallinn.

Registreeru järgmisele vestlusklubi kohtumisele!

Topic: Bake Your Heart Out: Interactive Workshop
Workshop Presenter: Daniel Bazelais
Date and Time: 30 January, Thursday | 18:00 - 20:00
Location: "Jutukas Papagoi" keeltekool,
Vabaduse pst 2, Tallinn
Description: Join us for an engaging workshop where we’ll bake a delicious treat together, enjoy tea, and practice conversational skills in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
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