The task of evaluating the learning process in this curriculum is to provide the student with feedback on the success of learning and information on the achievement of the specific learning outcomes defined in the modules; supporting learning motivation and positive self-esteem, correcting learning tasks.
The student has the right to receive information about the assessment procedure and grades.
The curriculum stipulates that the acquisition of knowledge and skills is assessed. The extent of knowledge and skills, correctness, accuracy and logic of presentation, independence of application and execution of practical work can be assessed.
During the learning process, the following sub-skills are assessed:
text reading,translation, pronunciationperforming dialogues and poemsvocabulary acquisitionlanguage skills and grammar
The process scores of the various sub-skills are summed up to obtain the accounting grades. Computational grades can also be based on voluminous tests. The student proves the acquisition of knowledge and skills with written or practical works, oral presentations, practical activities. At the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the training, the trainer tests the language level of the learners and gives the learners feedback on their progress.
grade "5" (very good) 90 - 100% of points completed correctly
grade "4" (good) 70 - 89 % of the points completed correctly
grade "3" (satisfactory) 50 - 69 % of the points completed correctly
grade "2" (incomplete) 25 - 49 % of the points completed correctly
grade "1" (weak) 0 - 24 % of points correctly completed.
Upon completion of the courses, the learner receives a certificate of completion.
To finish training, students take an in-school language exam that corresponds to the language level they are learning: A1 and A2, B1, B2. The learner has graduated after completing this training in full. In order to receive a certificate, the result of the exam must be at least 60% of the points correctly completed.